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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Feel A Change Of Working Title Coming On

Bob Dylan has a new album slated for an April release. After recording a track for the soundtrack of My Own Love Song, an inspired Dylan continued laying down tracks with his road band and special guests. (The accordion work of Los Lobos' David Hidalgo is supposed to be all over this thing.)

Rumored track names:
"I Feel A Change Coming On"
"Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"
"If You Ever Go To Houston"
"This Dream Of You"
"My Wife's Home Town"
"It's All Good"
Across the infernets, music geeks are freaking out about the possible (and as-of-yet-unconfirmed-in-any-shape-or-form-so-stop-freaking-out) album title. According to a Norwegian website, the title is I Feel A Change Coming On. See the New Yorker's take on it here.

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