Now, I'll admit I deserve some blame for this show getting cancelled. I didn't get into it until after it was cancelled. I'd check it out once in a while when it was on but couldn't get into it because it's the kind of show you have to watch beginning to end. Each season is written so well, there are inside jokes and references to other episodes weaved through out the show. (If you're still late to the game, you can watch all the episodes for free, with minimal commercial interruptions, on here.)
Now, if you're getting sick of Jeffrey Tambor's continuous teases about an upcoming movie, we've finally get an official confirmation that doesn't sound like a cry for attention. Producer Ron Howard and creator/writer/director Mitchell Hurwitz have signed a deal to make an Arrested Development movie. At this point there's no script, and I've heard rumors that Michael Cera won't sign on because he doesn't want to be type-cast as George Michael Bluth (First of all, Michael, you're good as George Michael. Your character in Juno, which I liked, was the same character. Don't hold your breath to be named the next James Bond. If you only know one song, sing like you mean it). But this is great news. And if you don't believe me, listen to Opie.
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